free decodable texts for blends

Free Printable Decodable Books.
Discuss using decodable text within the A proportion of words with regular phonics relationships between slot, rob, top, hog, fog, off, odd – A free
The chart below contains decodable fiction texts in a number of formats: Text only Text with black white illustrations Text with color illustrations
Decodable passages are short stories that can be read by a student who knows: How to sound out regular words, and The 30 irregular words taught in the Irregular Word

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Decodable passages - FreeReading
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Illustrated Decodable fiction passages.
free decodable texts for blends
free decodable texts for blends
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Consonants, Short Vowels, and Word Families Lessons 1-35; Blends Lessons 36-41; Long Vowels - VCe Pattern Lessons 42-45; Consonant Digraphs Lessons 46-51
Blend Phonics Supplement. 1. Blend Phonics Reader: Standard Edition. I wrote this Reader for extra reading (decoding) practice to be read AFTER a Unit is taught in
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