Troll druid names

Druid Forms
Troll names.
An early and quick look at the troll's upcoming cat form for troll druids subscribe for more early cataclysm stuff

WoW Cataclysm Alpha: Worgen and Troll. Troll Druid Form Colors | Restokin
Troll Druid -- WoW Insider
Troll druid names
Troll druid names
Troll names.
Wowhead has datamined some pretty cool new models, which are apparently new druid cat form models coming in for the new druid talent Incarnation.
Troll druids are a new Horde race/class combination coming in 4.0.3a. As of 11/20/2010 - The troll race has unique forms for cat, bear, tree, & moonkin on
Would be awesome, but really, I just wish we could have actual last names in the game. As in, where if you targeted some one, it'd show they're last name in the
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Thanks to MMO Champion, I finally got to see what we might have to look forward to in terms of Druid forms in Cataclysm. I’d like to preface this by saying that I
Funny Troll Druid Names - Druid - Wowhead.